då och nu
Det var så varmt idag, sommarvarmt, trots att jag var dageneftermosig och butter kunde jag inte bli sittande inne. Så jag gick ner till kaninparken i Skarpnäck med dagboken och Pappa pralin.

Det fick mig att tänka på en dag för ett år sen. Fick mig att minnas:
Jeff Buckley and the sunshine
7 May 2006, 19:17
It was just such a lovely day today. Really warm, it felt like summer. I went down to the football field, lay down on the grass next to it. Jeff Buckley singing in my headphones. I know it's a quite strange mix, considering that Jeff's songs aren't the happiest, but the music and the sun on my winter pale skin filled me with something strangely light. I love the smell of grass, and to use my bikini top for the first time this year made me all full of butterflies. And I fell in love with Jeff Buckley. Again.
I started to read a book. A cute teenage-thing in english about a girl and a boy (ofcoars). It makes me think in English again. How I miss it, having someone to speak English with. It's been years since I spoke to Rikke, Eric. Now I trouble my english teacher instead. Well, anyway. The book. They switched iPods. The boy and the girl. And it was so pretty, the whole thing, I just have to quote it. "All those songs - the ones he listened to when he was sad and the ones he listened to that reminded him of girls - that he played again and again; they were the soundtrack to his heart. And then there were the songs he played that were fast and frantic and he'd crank up the volume and bounce down the street. Songs let you see into someone's soul." The whole thing about songs when you're sad and songs that remind you of people, and the bouncing down the street, that's just so me. I'm just so typical. I can't help it.
Jag minns den där boken. Let's get lost. Så larvig egentligen, men det är så mysigt med sånadär böcker som man tappar bort sig själv i. Jag läste till in på småtimmarna, för jag kunde inte slita mig. Såklart tar de slut snabbt då. Det var längesen en sån bok. Jag trodde att Pappa pralin kunde bli en sån, men den är så lösryckt, så lite händelser, mer ord som egentligen inte passar i varandra. Jag tycker om Anna Jörgensdotters dikter, men i romanform, jag vet inte. Det kanske kommer en vändning.
Men jag märker ju hur jag påverkas av det jag läser. Hur jag har börjat skriva sådär lösryckt nu. Ibland helt osammanhängande. Och som när jag läste Selma Lagerlöf, och jag kom på mig själv med att vilja skriva verben i pluralform. Ska det verkligen vara så lätt att tappa bort det som är jag i orden?

Det fick mig att tänka på en dag för ett år sen. Fick mig att minnas:
Jeff Buckley and the sunshine
7 May 2006, 19:17
It was just such a lovely day today. Really warm, it felt like summer. I went down to the football field, lay down on the grass next to it. Jeff Buckley singing in my headphones. I know it's a quite strange mix, considering that Jeff's songs aren't the happiest, but the music and the sun on my winter pale skin filled me with something strangely light. I love the smell of grass, and to use my bikini top for the first time this year made me all full of butterflies. And I fell in love with Jeff Buckley. Again.
I started to read a book. A cute teenage-thing in english about a girl and a boy (ofcoars). It makes me think in English again. How I miss it, having someone to speak English with. It's been years since I spoke to Rikke, Eric. Now I trouble my english teacher instead. Well, anyway. The book. They switched iPods. The boy and the girl. And it was so pretty, the whole thing, I just have to quote it. "All those songs - the ones he listened to when he was sad and the ones he listened to that reminded him of girls - that he played again and again; they were the soundtrack to his heart. And then there were the songs he played that were fast and frantic and he'd crank up the volume and bounce down the street. Songs let you see into someone's soul." The whole thing about songs when you're sad and songs that remind you of people, and the bouncing down the street, that's just so me. I'm just so typical. I can't help it.
Jag minns den där boken. Let's get lost. Så larvig egentligen, men det är så mysigt med sånadär böcker som man tappar bort sig själv i. Jag läste till in på småtimmarna, för jag kunde inte slita mig. Såklart tar de slut snabbt då. Det var längesen en sån bok. Jag trodde att Pappa pralin kunde bli en sån, men den är så lösryckt, så lite händelser, mer ord som egentligen inte passar i varandra. Jag tycker om Anna Jörgensdotters dikter, men i romanform, jag vet inte. Det kanske kommer en vändning.
Men jag märker ju hur jag påverkas av det jag läser. Hur jag har börjat skriva sådär lösryckt nu. Ibland helt osammanhängande. Och som när jag läste Selma Lagerlöf, och jag kom på mig själv med att vilja skriva verben i pluralform. Ska det verkligen vara så lätt att tappa bort det som är jag i orden?
Postat av: maria
i miss someone like that too.